Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Newborn Fawn - Flame Azalea!

Gregory's Bald,  Great Smoky Mountains National Park - July 1, 2007

"Fawn Nursing"

This morning atop Gregory's Bald in the Smokies reminded me of the awesome miracle of life. In the dark hours of the morning, my friend Stayko continued on over the ridge to see the sunrise. I diverted from our path to spend a moment with this doe. Only after pushing through some azalea bushes was I able to see that there was a newborn fawn hanging beneath her legs. What an awesome gift fom above!

I stayed around for half an hour or so as this little one darted around on his wobbly legs. At times he leaped in front of me within arms reach. Then, he bolted back beneath his mother's nursing care.


Now, for the famous Flame Azalea atop Gregory's Bald...

... colors ranged from a hot pink to a deep orange...

... the bees and hummingbirds were having a feast.

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