Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's a Beautiful Life

I was moved by this man's story today. Strangely, I identified closely with him, and it brought to mind my athletic career.

My gymnastics coach Phil Savage would ask, "Paul, how bad do you want it?" For a decade, ages 8-18, amidst the daily pain and joy of training, the question propelled me forward toward the distant Olympic prize.

Through countless setbacks, 15+ broken bones, 6 major surgeries, and perpetual rehab, the question reverberated in my skull; "Paul, how bad do you want it?" It was this rhetorical question that called forth the fighter in me. I fought to regain strength, to compete again, to press on toward the grand goal.

The grander goal achieved was in my character. My character was fostered to fight--to fight against injustice and the earth's undertow of apathy and despair.

This artful short film depicts such a soul. If you have a moment, watch. But prepare yourself; you may be inspired.

Michael and his daily ritual: One man's struggle to transcend.
Cinematography by Sean Mullens


  1. very cool. thanks for sharing.

  2. One of these days i'll have to post some film from my gymnastics days.
